Iceland State Codes
When dealing with addresses or locations in Iceland, our API uses the following state codes. These codes are based on the ISO 3166-2:IS standard for Iceland's regions (landsvæði).
Code | Region (Icelandic) | Region (English) |
IS-1 | Höfuðborgarsvæði | Capital Region |
IS-2 | Suðurnes | Southern Peninsula |
IS-3 | Vesturland | Western Region |
IS-4 | Vestfirðir | Westfjords |
IS-5 | Norðurland vestra | Northwestern Region |
IS-6 | Norðurland eystra | Northeastern Region |
IS-7 | Austurland | Eastern Region |
IS-8 | Suðurland | Southern Region |
Usage Notes
- Iceland is divided into 8 regions (landsvæði)
- All codes follow the format 'IS-' followed by a single digit (1-8)
- The Capital Region (IS-1) includes Reykjavík and its surrounding municipalities
- Each region serves as both a statistical and administrative division
- The regions are used for planning and statistical purposes
Regional Organization
- The Capital Region (IS-1) is the most populous and includes the Greater Reykjavík area
- Regions are organized geographically:
- IS-2 through IS-4 cover the western parts
- IS-5 and IS-6 cover the northern parts
- IS-7 covers the eastern part
- IS-8 covers the southern part
- The Westfjords (IS-4) is geographically distinct, forming a large peninsula
Administrative Structure
- Each region contains multiple municipalities (sveitarfélög)
- The Capital Region has the highest concentration of municipalities
- Regions serve primarily for statistical and planning purposes
- Municipalities, rather than regions, are the main administrative units
Data Usage
- When specifying locations in Iceland in your API requests, please use these exact codes
- Regional codes are simple single-digit numbers following 'IS-'
- While municipalities handle most administrative functions, regional codes are important for:
- Statistical reporting
- Geographic organization
- Regional development planning
- Address standardization
Note: While Iceland has undergone municipal mergers over the years, these regional divisions remain stable and are widely used for statistical and organizational purposes.
Updated 29 days ago